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크로스핏대영 W.O.D29

2022.02.10(목)[W.O.D] 00:00~01:00(1min) Max Double under 01:00~03:00(2min) Max Burpee 03:00~06:00(3min) Max cal Row rest 1min 07:00~08:00 Max sit-up 08:00~10:00 Max Row 10:00~13:00 Max Burpee 2022. 2. 9.
2022.02.09(수)[W.O.D]Row_PU_deadlift_PC 1000m Row 3Round 21 pull up 15 deadlift(155/105) 9 power clean 많은 참여 바랍니다^^ 2022. 2. 8.
2022.02.08(화)[W.O.D]TTB_HPS_BJ 5Round for time of 15 Toes to bars 15 Hang power snatch(75/55) 15 Box jump cap time : 20min https://youtu.be/NBY9-kTuHEk 2022. 2. 7.
2022.02.07(월)[W.O.D]opengames17.5 crossfit games open “17.5” 10Round for time 9 thruster(95/65) 35 Double under cap time : 30mim games의 룰대로 하면 40분 타임캡인데, 30분동안 최대한으로 달려봅시다!! 3, 2, 1~ go!! https://youtu.be/XjABpCst-Us 2022. 2. 6.
2022.02.03(목)[W.O.D]Row_Run team of 2 amrap 20min 500m row 500m suttle run(왕복10바퀴) 500m row 50 double under(1person) 500m row 50 double under(1person) https://youtu.be/o_pxwij2UA4 달리기 후 스트레칭입니다~^^ 2022. 2. 2.
2022.01.27(목)[W.O.D]DU Amrap 15min team of 3 max Double under caught jumping rope & stop the 10sec, 5 syc burpee https://youtu.be/82jNjDS19lg 2022. 1. 26.
2022.01.26(수)[W.O.D]17.4? opengames 17.4?? Amrap 18min 55 Deadlift(225/155) 55 Box jump(24’/20’) 55cal Row 55 Thruster(75/55) 얼른 얼른 후드티 신청하세요~ 퀄리티 정말 만족하실껍니다. 2022. 1. 25.
2022.01.25(화)[W.O.D]DU_J.T In 100 Double under “JT 21-15-9 strict handstand push-up strict ring dip push up out 100 Double under A : single *2, Mat&kipping B : hspu -> push up*2 dips -> bench dip*2 ✔️다음주 명절이라 거의 한주를 쉬게 됩니다~ 빠지지 마시고 많은 참석 바랍니다^^ 2022. 1. 24.
2022.01.24(월)[W.O.D]run_ttb_wbs 5Round 300m run(왕복6바퀴) 10 Toes to bars 10 WBS *every 2min 8burpee https://youtu.be/6dHvTlsMvNY 2022. 1. 23.