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드디어 공개된 Crossfit games open 22.1 내일 진행합니다! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xgA0wFSPIUI 드디어 오픈와드가 공개되었습니다. “다들 내가 참가해서 잘 할수 있을까?…” “나는 선수급이 아닌데 괜히 참석하기 싫어…” 다들 이런 저런 이유로 등록 안하시겠지만, “이번 기회에 내가 크로스핏을 하면서 얼마나 성장 했을까?” “얼마나 삶의 질을 향상 시켰을까?” 그냥 편안하게 한번 즐긴다는 생각으로 오픈게임 한번 도전해 봅시다~~ 등록은 내일까지로 알고 있는데, 다들 한번 등록하고, 내일도 즐겨보시죠~!! 3,2,1 Go!! Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: 3 wall walks 12 dumbbell snatches 15 box jump-overs 50-lb dum.. 2022. 2. 27.
2022.02.24(목)[W.O.D]annie_dead_burpee “annie like deadlift & burpee” 50-40-30-20-10 Double under sit-up every round 8 deadlift(225/155) caught jumping rope 5 burpee https://youtu.be/8AlKjswNExg 2022. 2. 23.
2022.02.23(수)[W.O.D]E2'30"OM Every 2minute 30second on the minute✖️5 10 toes to bar 20 Wallball shot(20/14) 30 Double under https://youtu.be/EExiCF6nYfE 더블언더 팁을 드리는 영상입니다. 2022. 2. 22.
2022.02.22(화)[W.O.D]PS_pu for time of in 15 thruster 20 Power Snatch 30 pull up 15 Power Snatch 20 pull up 10 Power Snatch 10 pull up out 15 thruster Rxd 115/75 A 95/65 B 65/55 https://youtu.be/L219ltL15zk 2022. 2. 21.
2022.02.21(월)[W.O.D]row_sc_bb https://youtu.be/g9Y8QwctmhU 3Round for time 30cal row 15 squat clean(135/95) 10 barfacing burpee 2022. 2. 20.
2022.02.17(목)[W.O.D]emom emom x 25 1min - 30 sit up 2min - 20 plate overhead lunge(35/15) 3min - 10 plate ground to overhead 4min - 40sec plate wall squat hold 5min - 1min rest 2022. 2. 16.
2022.02.15(화)[W.O.D] for time of: 21-15-9 pull up handstand push up than 21-15-9 burpee box jump Kettlebell swing(24/16kg) 2022. 2. 14.
2022.02.14(월)[W.O.D] for time of: 1000m Row 2min rest Complete for max round 1 deadlift(155#/105#) 1 clean 1 hang clean 1 jerk cap time : 15min 2022. 2. 13.
2022.02.10(목)[W.O.D] 00:00~01:00(1min) Max Double under 01:00~03:00(2min) Max Burpee 03:00~06:00(3min) Max cal Row rest 1min 07:00~08:00 Max sit-up 08:00~10:00 Max Row 10:00~13:00 Max Burpee 2022. 2. 9.